Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Gutbliss by Robynne Chutkan

This book's full title is "Gutbliss, Feel Light, Tight and Bright - The Healthy Way". I loved this book. It was very easy to read and follow. She even has sample meals and recipes in the end of the book. I bought the book because I got stomach flu and had a hard time recovering from it. She talks about what to avoid, what to eat and how to encourage and repopulate gut bacteria.

The book talks a lot about what to do about bloating or gas for women. Indeed this is somewhat the main thrust of the book. Women are built differently than men and seem to have more problems with gas or bloating than men do.

She has her own site where you can pick up her being interviewed by Dr. Oz and on the Today Show. She is an integrative gastroenterologist and founder of the Digestive Center for Women, just outside of Washington, D.C. Robynne Chutkan is part of Gut Runners. The Gut Runners Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to improving digestive health in the community. They are basically saying if you do not want to constipated, you need to move, you need to exercise.

I found a nice lot of reviews on this book at Good Reads. There also a very interesting review of this book by Gena a nutritionist that works with Dr. Chutkan on the Choosing Raw site. There is also another good review on the Huntington News Net by David Kinchen. This article also refers to another interesting one on How Our Stone Age Bodies Struggle To Stay Healthy In Modern Times at NPR Books by Daniel Lieberman.

See Robynne Chutkan on the Today Show. She has a very interesting article in The Atlantic talking about the future of probiotics.

On my website is how to find this book on Amazon if you care to purchase it. See Chutkan. Also, this book review and other books I have reviewed are on my website at Book Reviews.

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